Exposing Male Violence Against Lesbians

Lesbian Testimonies

92. Riley 26/03/2022
I have always been a lesbian, but when I was younger I had a lot of self-hatred (...)
91. Anonymous 25/03/2022
When I was 16 went through that phase of not wanting be a girl (...)
90. Florence 24/03/2022
I’m a 37 year old lesbian. Aside from the usual male response (...)
89. Anonymous 23/03/2022
When I was 14 and dated my first girlfriend, (...)
88. Anonymous 20/03/2022
I’ve had too many experiences to count (...)
87. Anonymous 21/03/2022
After being abused by my brother who’s 5 years older (...)
86. Anonymous 20/03/2022
A trans identified man hit on me in a private message (...)
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