Exposing Male Violence Against Lesbians

Lesbian Testimonies

47. Anonymous 01/11/2021
I have been photographed and filmed about 80 times by male hunting (...)
46. Sappho’s sister 31/10/2021
I was on a website for lesbians. I was 13 and home alone on my laptop (...)
45. Anonymous 30/10/2021
We were sitting by the sea with my girlfriend, chitchatting (...)
43. Anonymous 29/10/2021
Just had two men in dresses (...)
42. Sara 28/10/2021
When going out at night and sitting on a street bench with a few women I knew on the night clubs area (...)
39. SJ 27/10/2021
This is rather a long list, but I know (sadly) I am not the only woman (or lesbian) to suffer sexual abuse at the hands of males (...)
38. Grace P 27/10/2021
My peak trans moment came during a time of total betrayal by everyone who I thought loved me (...)
37. Anonymous 26/10/2021
I am a lesbian & biological woman & am only attracted to other biological women (...)
35. S 13/07/2021
When I was young I did not fully realise that I'm a lesbian and I identified as bisexual. My family kicked me out of the house for coming out as bisexual and I was homeless for three to four years as a child for that (...)
33. Anonyme 21/06/2021
Ma copine et moi nous entrelacions sur le trottoir d'une "rue de la soif" très fréquentée un soir quand un homme (...)
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