Exposing Male Violence Against Lesbians

Lesbian Testimonies

44. Rebecca L 30/10/2021
I had invited a “woman” over after meeting online (...)
38. Grace P 27/10/2021
My peak trans moment came during a time of total betrayal by everyone who I thought loved me (...)
25. Anonymous 21/04/2021
A few years ago I met up with someone I only ever saw at university in one or two lectures a week (...)
19. Anonymous 09/04/2021
My only connection to the lesbian community was cut of from me as Im only attracted to cis woman sexually (...)
Young lesbian dating experiences – Anna 20/11/2022
I am a young college age woman, and like many college age people I’m looking to have some sexual experiences (...)
Second-hand testimony from Hannah 19/04/2022
In 2019, I dated a woman who was best friends & roommates with her ex-girlfriend, who happens to be a trans identified male (...)
101. Anonymous 12/04/2022
I have as a lesbian experienced constant harassment from guys (...)
86. Anonymous 20/03/2022
A trans identified man hit on me in a private message (...)
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